Tuesday, January 26, 2010

I feel this way about almost everything. I think it's pretty. And reassuring.
I say it to myself a lot.

Monday, January 25, 2010

French Macarons - Sometime between Sophia Coppola's Marie Antionette and that episode of Gossip Girl where Chuck finally tells Blair he loves her, I have become totally obsessed with you


I think they are clearly the most perfect looking cookie ever created. Thanks French people! (Or alternately, Italian people - the french macaron has a mysterious past.)
PS: this place looks amazing! (but it's in edmonton)

Lovely Carl Kleiner photos via Design is Mine

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

What follows is the real "about me" section of this blog:

I love tea and cake.I love going for long summertime bike rides.I love books. I love Seinfeld.I love all things fancy.
Sometimes I wear sloppy clothes but I prefer wearing dresses.
I am dreaming of opening my own little shop that sells tea, jam, and scones.
I have red hair. I don't have any freckles.
I have a fantastic best friend named
Linde. I have a very sweet boyfriend we will call DK. (He is very handsome)
I work for a courier company, shipping things from the back of a warehouse. I hope what contributes to this blog reminds me how lovely everything really is when I can't stop seeing beige walls and envelopes.

 this is what i look like on cloudy summer days